Valine gradually warmed up and Guangji B2 was overhauled


  • The domestic terminal demand for valine has gradually warmed up. The overall quotation of the manufacturer is CNY20-21 yuan/KG, and the quantity is limited. Some factories have difficulty in reporting and shipping, and the quotation in the trade market has risen to CNY21-22 yuan/KG. The growth of terminal feed demand, coupled with the high price of soybean meal, led to the increase of overall consumption, and the subsequent attention was paid to the logistics and transportation of the factory.

  • According to market news, Guangji Pharmaceutical Mengzhou Company has completed the maintenance of relevant equipment and facilities, and resumed production on October 7.

On October 4, 2022, the Indonesian Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) notified and explained the situation of illegal sales of vitamin products on e-commerce platforms. BPOM law enforcement officials said that according to the regulatory results, illegal circulation of vitamin C, vitamin D3 and vitamin E was found, especially in e-commerce platforms or online sales. Such illegally sold vitamin products pose a great threat to public health, because the safety, quality and efficacy of the products cannot be guaranteed. During the period from October 2021 to August 2022, BPOM seized 19703 vitamin products illegally sold online, and none of the products applied to BPOM for registration and circulation license. BPOM followed up the investigation results of illegal vitamin products in accordance with the Provisions on the Supervision of Online Sales of Food and Drugs, and suggested consumers to calmly purchase products with circulation licenses. Before purchasing products, they should pay attention to the packaging, labels, circulation licenses and shelf life.Valine gradually warmed up and Guangji B2 was overhauled