The latest news about vitamin E


According to reliable information, DSM Switzerland Vitamin Factory has failed to start work normally at the end of August since it stopped production at the end of July, and the time of resumption of production has been delayed. The exact time of delay is uncertain; In addition, Beixi No.1 stopped the supply of natural gas.... Influenced by this news, Europe is worried about the shortage of vitamin E in the future market. Since last Wednesday, the price of vitamin E in the European market has risen to a certain extent, from 8.9-9.3 euros to 9.5-10.2 euros, and the transaction is also more than 10 euros; In addition, according to domestic news, due to the impact of the overhaul project, Jilin Beisha Vitamin E may have to be delayed to the end of September before shipment (nearly a month late). Zhejiang Pharmaceutical and Xinhecheng also stopped signing vitamin E export orders last Friday. Recently, Heilongjiang Zhonglang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. successfully tested the project with an annual output of 500 tons of refined folic acid. After testing, the purity of the product reached 96%, meeting the national standard. According to the introduction of Zhonglang Biology, the project of Zhonglang Biology Folic Acid adopts internationally leading extraction technology, with high purity and few impurities. With the continuous development of animal husbandry, the demand for folic acid is increasing, and the market prospect is broad. It is understood that Heilongjiang Zhonglang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established in 2017 with a registered capital of 102.5 million yuan and is an affiliated subsidiary of Qingdao Langyatai Group Co., Ltd. (Langyatai Group is the parent company of Qingdao Huali Langxin Technology Industry Co., Ltd.).