Recent market information review of VE: Xiangyu raised the quotation of tryptophan; The price of oxytetracycline is firm


  • Overview of vitamin E market information this week: Xinhecheng's domestic quotation is 90 yuan/KG, and some contract shipments of about 80 yuan are suspended, and the export FOB quotation is 10.5 dollars/KG; Zhejiang Pharmaceutical stopped quoting at home and stopped signing some export orders; In addition, according to market news, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical had some problems with its core equipment when VE oil resumed production at the end of September, which is expected to affect about a month; Jilin Beisha started maintenance in the middle of July. Due to major changes in the project, the resumption of production has been delayed. Recently, it has slowly restored some production capacity. In addition to the backlog of some old orders, it is expected that the supply to the market will be limited by the middle of November; BASF stopped the delivery of goods after limiting the domestic quantity to some terminal low price goods; DSM Yiman Secret Service Factory has long reported that it plans to carry out maintenance in the fourth quarter, which is expected to affect January and February next year. The recent epidemic in Jingzhou, Hubei, will have a certain impact. However, we believe that the planned maintenance, as well as the current prevention and control situation, is not a large-scale epidemic spread, and the overall impact is limited. Up to now, the FOB price for export is about USD 9.3-9.5. In the foreign local market, Euro 9-9.5 in Europe, USD 9-9.8 in North America, and USD 9.3-10 in South America. The transaction price of domestic mainstream brands is about RMB 79-82; In the near future, China's export and international market prices are relatively stable, and the domestic market is relatively active on the whole. In addition, factories have a strong desire to support prices, so it is recommended to pay appropriate attention.
  • On October 13, the latest quotation of Heilongjiang Golden Elephant biochemical amino acid products was raised: tryptophan 62000 yuan/ton, environment-friendly valine 10500 yuan/ton. Recently, the epidemic situation in Xinjiang has caused difficulties in factory delivery, even affecting normal production. The manufacturers have successively raised their quotations. It is expected that the tryptophan market will operate strongly in the later period. Pay attention to the factory delivery.
  • Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride: The raw material Oxytetracycline is now strong, and the manufacturers have resumed production in succession. The downstream demand needs to be improved. At present, the market price fluctuates between 99-105. Later, we will pay attention to the changes in customer demand and manufacturer's quotation.