Market prices of methionine, glycine, folic acid and enrofloxacin hydrochloride


   Market prices of methionine, glycine, folic acid and enrofloxacin hydrochloride
1. The quotation of methionine factory is CNY21-22/KG, and the transaction is limited. The export quotation is USD2.6-2.7/KG. The quotation of solid methionine in the trade market is CNY20-21/KG. Some factories stop reporting. The domestic quotation of liquid methionine is CNY15-16/KG, and the price in some regions is low. It is expected that the domestic methionine supply will be relatively loose in the short term, and the late shipment of the factory will continue to be concerned.
2. The price of food grade glycine in the domestic market rose to about CNY17/KG, and the transaction price in the foreign market was about USD2.2/KG. The future price of food grade glycine may rise further due to the impact of chemical raw materials and environmental protection issues.
3. Influenced by market demand, the price of folic acid is weak. Mainstream manufacturers offer very high prices, and the transaction is average. Some second tier manufacturers cut their prices, but the market feedback is still light. It is understood that a factory in Shandong has stopped production, but there are not many actual manufacturers of folic acid. Since this year, the price has continued to decline, which is still greatly affected by the overall vitamin market. The current domestic quotation is RMB 215-225/KG, and the export quotation is USD 27-29/KG.

4. Enrofloxacin hydrochloride is in the off-season of the aquaculture industry, with the demand decreasing and the price falling. At this stage, the transaction price in the domestic market is CNY225/KG, and the export price is about USD28/KG. It is expected to maintain a weak operation in the short term.

Harga pasar L-Methionine, Glycine-food grade, Folic Acid dan Enrofloxacin HCL

1. L-Methionine, produsen dalam negeri mengutip CNY21-23/KG, dan transaksi terbatas, 1. Harga ekspor adalah USD2.6-2.7/KG, harga L-Methionine padat di pasar perdagangan adalah CNY20-21/KG, beberapa pabrik telah berhenti melaporkan; harga domestik L-Methionine cair adalah CNY15-16/KG , dan harga di beberapa daerah lebih rendah. Diperkirakan pasokan L-Methionine dalam negeri akan relatif longgar dalam jangka pendek, dan kami akan terus memperhatikan situasi pengiriman pabrik di kemudian hari.


2. Glycine-food grade, harga pasar domestik naik menjadi sekitar CNY17/KG, dan harga transaksi pasar luar negeri sekitar USD2,2/KG. Harga Glycine-food grade di masa depan akan dipengaruhi oleh bahan baku kimia dan masalah perlindungan lingkungan, selanjutnya harganya mungkin akan naik lebih jauh.


3. Folic Acid, dipengaruhi oleh permintaan pasar, harga Folic Acid melemah. Produsen arus utama bersikeras untuk tidak memotong harga, sehingga menghasilkan transaksi yang biasa-biasa saja. Beberapa produsen lapis kedua telah menurunkan harga mereka, tetapi umpan balik pasar masih sepi. Dipahami bahwa salah satu produsen tertentu di Shandong telah menghentikan produksi, dan produsen yang produksi Folic Acid tidak terlalu banyak sebenarnya. Sejak awal tahun ini, harganya terus turun, yang masih sangat dipengaruhi oleh pasar vitamin secara keseluruhan. Kutipan domestik saat ini adalah RMB215-225/KG, dan kutipan ekspor adalah USD27-29/KG.


4. Enrofloxacin HCL, saat ini di luar musim industri akuatik, permintaan menurun, dan harganya juga turun. Pada tahap ini, harga transaksi pasar domestik adalah CNY225/KG, dan harga ekspor sekitar USD28/KG. Diperkirakan akan tetap sepi dalam jangka pendek.