Latest Overall Supply Report(20211025-20211028)


— October 25th —

1) As for Vitamin A, since October 22 last Friday, domestic factories have generally raised their export quotation to more than USD 75, and some factories have stopped reporting wait-and-see status. Domestic customers begin to stock vitamin A, and it is expected that the market price will be recorded slightly.

2)As for Toltrazuril, due to the price rise and shortage of upstream raw materials, the quotation of main factories has been suspended, and the price of some factories has been increased. At present, the market price is about RMB 1500, and the price of American gold in export transaction is about USD 210. In the later stage, the price still shows an upward trend.

3)As for Xanthan Gum, the cost of the product is also greatly increased due to the sharp rise in the cost of energy and chemical industry, and the supply is particularly tight.

Since October 18, the quotation of xanthan gum products of Fufeng group has been raised to RMB 4500 / MT.

4)  About Methionine, the quotation in the mainstream market now reaches RMB 22.3-25/KG. At present, the delivery speed of the production factory is slow, the manufacturer's price rises and the inquiry is stable. The production of domestic brands is limited, the early low price contract has stopped shipping, the spot price trend in trade is strong, and the market activity has increased.

Evonik feed solid methionine price has been raised to RMB 24 / KG.

5) Inner Mongolia North China Pharmaceutical Huakai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. phase I Vitamin C project was commissioned for production. It is reported that the total investment of the project is RMB 2.8 billion . It is constructed in three phases, focusing on biological fermentation products, and supporting power, environmental protection, storage, office, quality inspection and other facilities. hisphase I Vitamin C project has been put into trial production. It is reported that the total investment of the project is RMB 2.8 billion . It is constructed in three phases, focusing on biological fermentation products, and supporting facilities such as power, environmental protection, storage, office and quality inspection. Among them, the first phase invested RMB 1.2 billion  to build a 10000 MT Vitamin C project, which has been put into trial production at present; The second phase will invest RMB 1 billion  to build 2000 MT of tetracycline, 2000 MT of lincomycin and 20000 1 billion units of gentamicin projects, and preliminary work is under way; The third phase will invest RMB 600 million  to build an anti infective fermentation product project.

6) It is understood that Tongliao Meihua Biological Sci-tech Co., Ltd. plant uses threonine workshop and existing fermentation equipment to transform supporting extraction equipment to produce Vitamin B2. The total investment of the project is RMB 32.6 million  and the annual output of Vitamin B2 is 1000 MT.

— October 26th —

1)  For Folic Acid, affected by the rapid rise of upstream chemical raw materials, in October 25th, Nantong Changhai Food Additive Co., Ltd. again raised the price of folic acid, RMB 420/KG, FOB USD 58/KG, the price was valid until October 29th.

2) Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6. Affected by the "power restriction" in the industrial park, Anhui tiger has limited production capacity. Since October 25, Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5) has been quoted at RMB 120 / KG and Vitamin B6 at RMB 260 / KG.

3) For Tryptophan, the quotation of non Chinese sources in the European market is EUR 9.20-9.60/KG. The manufacturers mainly deliver goods in the near future, and most of them have stopped quotation. Julong publicly quoted RMB 65 / KG. It is planned to resume production at the end of November, and Fufeng suspended quotation. According to the market, the overall transaction price of the manufacturers is RMB 58-60 / KG, and the quotation in the trade market is RMB 60-63 / KG

4) For Vitamin E, compared with the previous week, the 50% price of Vitamin E in Europe increased by 1 EUR this week. At present, the 50% transaction price of Vitamin E in Europe is EUR 10-10.8, the transaction price of Chinese export is USD11.8-12.2, the manufacturer's export quotation is USD12-13, and the domestic transaction is about USD 88-92 according to different brands.

5) For Colistin Sulfate, affected by the rise of raw materials, the quotation of main factories stopped, the quotation of individual factories increased significantly compared with the previous ones, the delivery time was tight, and the market inquiry increased.
At present, the market price is about RMB 120 and USD 16-17.

6) About Sulphuric Acid Colistin, affected by the rise of raw materials, the main factories stopped offering quotations, and individual factory quotations had increased substantially compared with before, with tight delivery and increased market enquiry.

7) Recently, the Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Linhai South Sichuan Branch received an on-site inspection report issued by FDA. The inspection report made it clear that the inspection was passed with zero defects. The scope of products involved in the fdacgmp inspection is the company's Chuannan production base, involving 29 products of API. The passing of the U.S. FDA cGMP inspection will be conducive to the gradual recovery of the company's sales in the U.S. market and the improvement of the company's new products The approval of products will play a positive role.

— October 27th —

1) As for Lysine, the latest quotation of Lysine sold in China by Chengfu Group on October 26 is: Lysine 70% RMB 8900 / MT, with limited orders; In the early stage, under the impression of coal, the price of Lysine 70% increased greatly. At present, the domestic market price is RMB 8500-8900 / MT, and the export price is adjusted to USD 1300-1350 / MT. today, the market heat has decreased, and the trade market price is temporarily stable.

2) About Vitamin A 500 feed grade, NHU's domestic quotation is RMB 320 / KG, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical's quotation is RMB 330 / KGKingdomway and Xinfa pharmaceutical's domestic quotation is still stopped, and the transaction price in the domestic market has risen to about RMB 290-305 / KG.

The export price of Vitamin A1000 is currently quoted at USD 75-80 / KG, according to different brands, and the transaction price in the export market is about to be USD 75 / KG. The European price is currently stable, but with the rise of China's domestic price and China's export price, it is expected that the European price will begin to rise.

3) As for Florfenicol, affected by the substantial increase of raw materials in the early stage, the manufacturer's cost has increased greatly. After the price jump, the recent price is slightly stable and the manufacturer's shipment is slow. At present, the market price is RMB 710-720. Due to the strong price of raw materials, the price may still rise in the later stage.

4) Tianxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., because of the combined factors such as power limitation and large raw materials, etc., the price of feed grade vitamin B6 is RMB 185 /KG, and Folic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin D3 and other products will not be quoted temporarily.

5) As for Vitamin D3 500, the domestic market has become active, and the market transaction price has increased slightly. At present, the domestic mainstream transaction price is close to RMB100/KG for the second and third tier brands, RMB 105-110 /KG for the line brands, and EUR15-18/KG for the European local brands. The quotation is around USD 15-18. It is expected that the overall trend of Vitamin D3 will rise in the future, but the volume and the increase range remain to be further observed by the market.

— October 28th —

1) About Toltrazuril, due to the shortage of raw materials and large increase, the factory price generally rises. At present, the market price is about RMB 1500 and USD 210, and the later price is expected to remain strong.

2) About Valine, the quotation in the European market rose to EUR 5.50-7.00/kg, the quotation of domestic Eppen was RMB 27 / kg, Fufeng was RMB 32 / kg, CJ was temporarily suspended, the overall quotation of domestic factories increased, limited signing, and the transaction price increased.

3) About Trehalose, the product of Meihua Group, is in short supply due to the impact of macro policies. The product quotation has increased by RMB 500 / KG on the basis of the previous period. Now it is limited to ensure the stable supply of core customers.

4) As for Enrofloxacin, affected by the rise of raw materials and power and production restrictions, manufacturers have raised prices for many times, the market is low, the inventory is small, and the factory production is tight. Now the price is about RMB 260, and the subsequent price is expected to be strong at a high level.

5) As for vitamin C, since October 27, manufacturers have stopped taking orders for Vitamin C. Before stopping the quotation, the export quotation of mainstream factories was USD 6.5-7/KG, and the signing price was slightly lower. Up to now, the transaction price of vitamin C export market is about USD 6.2-6.5/KG, and the transaction price of domestic market is about RMB 42-47 according to different brands.

According to market news, the export price of Vitamin C may rise to USD 8 / KG in the future, and the domestic price may rise to more than RMB 60/KG.

6) As for Taurine, affected by the rise of raw materials, some manufacturers began to stop quotation on October 27. At present, the transaction price in the export market is USD 3.8-4/KG and RMB 28-30 / KG. It is expected that the price of Taurine will continue to rise in the near future.

7) Recently, the first special medical food of Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical Group, carbohydrate component formula food for special medical purposes, successfully passed the production site verification of Jiangsu market supervision and Administration Bureau and obtained the "food production license", which opened the prelude for Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical Group to officially enter the production industry of formula food for special medical purposes. This product is a special medical non total nutrition formula food designed according to the consensus of perioperative management experts of accelerated rehabilitation surgery in China (2016), the metabolic characteristics and nutritional needs of perioperative patients. It is suitable for patients over 10 years old who need to supplement carbohydrates, water, sodium and potassium before operation.

— October 29th — 

1) Affected by the recent double control power rationing and the rise of raw materials, the prices of Timi and Taile continued to run at a high level this week, the market demand increased, and the delivery date was further tight. At present, there are active transactions in the market. The quotation of phosphorus substitution in the market is about USD 70 and Taile is about USD 55-56.


2) About  Inositol, the manufacturer's limited power policy has a great impact, the report is basically stopped, and the delivery date is basically scheduled in December. The delivery date of individual factories is to the second quarter of 2022. 

There are few spot goods in the market, and some second-hand goods are in circulation. The price of RMB is 80-90 yuan and the price of USD is about USD 13.


3) Recently, Zhejiang East Asia Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. announced that Nafloxacin API has obtained the landing certificate of Korean API. This certificate indicates that the company's Nafloxacin API has obtained the access qualification for sales in Korea, which has a positive impact on expanding the Korean pharmaceutical market.


4) Due to the shortage of raw materials and the substantial increase in costs, Zhenhua Minfeng started in October 28th, MSB quoted RMB 165 /KG , and MNB quoted RMB 185/KG.


5)As for Methionine, the current quotation in the domestic mainstream market is RMB 23-25 / KG, and the latest quotation of CJ methionine is RMB 25 / KG. The manufacturer's delivery speed is slow and the manufacturer's price rises, but the heat of the trade market decreases and the inquiry decreases. Most traders are eager to ship, and the transaction price is between RMB 20-21 / KG. 

——Digested from Vega WeChat Publisher