Azelaic Acid
CAS number: 123-99-9
Molecular formula: C9H16O4
molecular weight: 188.22
Chemical structure:
Producers shown on SFDA Not showing any Producers shown on EP Not showing any Staff size:100-199 persons Registered capital:RMB 17 million 718 thousand and 422
Producer:Nantong senxuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was established in 2015, covering an area of 58000 square meters. Its main products include 5-hydroxymethylthiazole, NCT, MTV, BDH, diethyl phenylmalonate, 1,4 dioxane, benzoyl phenobarbital, azelaic acid, etc.
For supply and market information, please feel free to contact Mr. Paul, paulzhang@yinuopharmchem.com, WhatsApp: +8618402846978